Thanksgiving is an old Canadian tradition that often brings back memories. We may think about seeing happy children on a pumpkin patch visit, the smell and taste of a healthy slice of pumpkin pie and maybe some other favourite foods such as yams or turkey. Others remember a trip together, happy times with friends or family. However for some who do not have family or friends nearby or who are enduring an illness it can also bring back a sense of loneliness or loss.
One of the best cures for “the blues” at this time of year is to look for the small things to be thankful for. This morning I looked out my kitchen window and what caught my eyes was a flock of sparrows flitting back and forth, searching for food in our feeder. Now and again they would settle on my window flower box and if I stayed very still I could see how beautiful they are. Later in the day I walked to the nearby seashore. Along the way I noticed the amazing variety of colours in the leaves on the trees and bushes. At the seashore a large flock of ducks huddled into the shore. People passing by were always happy to return my smile and hello. It’s hard to resist smiling at someone who smiles at you!
By looking at all the beauty around me, which cost me absolutely nothing except my time, I was able to really enjoy my day. My response was to be thankful for all that I have.
The Bible tells us to “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
If you don’t have anyone to be thankful with this Thanksgiving holiday, consider visiting a local church where love and friendship matter. I know of at least one church and many more in my area where the people that meet there would be very happy to see you!

While other areas of Canada are still experiencing a very cold and snowy winter, here in Ladner we are enjoying bright sunshine and blossoming flowers and trees. The Word of God tells us that we should think about whatever is noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy. How about you? Do you think about things that make you happy or joyful? When we admit our need of help and call on God he takes the burden from our minds and fills us with his peace. Jesus said “Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

Boats rest in the calm of Ladner Harbour